30 Marzo 2025

The XXXVI Rally Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy on the launch pad

11-08-2024 08:00 - Press releases
The XXXVI Rally Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy on the launch pad: Monday 2 September the presentation at the headquarters of the newspaper "Il Tirreno" in Livorno
The date of the iconic competition promoted by Aci Livorno Sport is approaching, which this year returns in the context of the European Championship for historic cars.

Registrations starting from today until September 11th.

On 26 September, in Capoliveri, the important conference "The new frontiers of tourism" will be organized, with a clear reference to the strategic value of the rally for the sector.

Livorno, 11 August 2024 – The organizational machine of Aci Livorno Sport for the XXXVI Rallye Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy is marching briskly defining the final details of the event.

THE PRESENTATION PRESS CONFERENCE Scheduled for next 27-28 September, the event launched the registration period today, which will open on Sunday 11 August, closing on Wednesday 11 September and in the meantime the presentation date of the event, scheduled for Monday 2 September at 12.00 in the auditorium of the headquarters of the newspaper IL TIRRENO in its historic headquarters in Viale Alfieri in Livorno, one of the symbols of the Labronic city. Always close to the events of the area, ready to tell the stories and news with balance and precision, the newspaper now directed by Cristiano Marcacci has always supported the Elba Rallye, narrating it with passion precisely because it is an essential symbol of the island as well as of non-stop road racing national only.

THE CONFERENCE The Elban competition, which for years now has been divided into the "modern" one in spring and the "historical" one at the end of summer, is not only sport and challenges but also a decisive vehicle for promoting the territory and a useful economic incentive for the tourism industry. For this reason, a conference entitled "Le nuove frontiere del turismo” ("The new frontiers of tourism") will be organized on Thursday 26 September at 11.30, therefore at the gates of the race, in Capoliveri, a topic in which stories, ideas and perspectives for addressing the new challenges of the sector aimed at guiding its sustainable development, providing innovation prospects as the rallye is proposing. It will be an important moment of reflection and discussion with the various actors in the area and beyond who dedicate themselves to the promotion, valorisation and communication of it.

THREE VALIDITIES European validity and two "tricolor" titles are the "package" proposed by the two thousand twenty-four edition of the iconic Elban competition, registered in the calendar as the seventh round of the FIA ​​European Historic Rally Championship and seventh also of the Italian Historic Car Rally Championship. These will be accompanied by the inevitable "Graffiti" event, also valid in this case as the seventh of the nine tests on the calendar of the "tricolor" Historic Car Rally.
Then there will be other "promotional" validity, such as the A112 Abarth Trophy, the Memory Fornaca and the Michelin Historic Rally Cup, as well as that of the ACI Livorno Social Championship.

THE NEWS ON LOGISTICS Confirmed therefore in its classic location at the end of the summer, suitable to favor the extension of the tourist season on the island, the historic Rallye returns to the international scene with a partly revised look, always comforted by the convinced support confirmed by the local administrations. Precisely with the aim of looking forward together with the entire Elban community, the two thousand twenty-four edition is proposed with some new features on logistics, moved to Lacona (municipality of Capoliveri) in the exclusive location of the Uappala Hotel Club Lacona, where the Race Direction will be based, the Secretariat and the press room.
The delivery of the competition material to the competitors will take place within its structures, as well as the pre-race administrative and technical checks. Furthermore, the car park on the sea side of the hotel will host the first two rearrangements and the parc fermé at the end of the first stage, while the Service Park area, as in the last two editions, will be created in Capoliveri in Viale Australia and neighboring car parks.
On a sporting level, the two legs of the race, which will be announced shortly, have been designed on the basis of tradition and will certainly be challenges of a high technical level, ready to consolidate the high quality offered in past editions.


Wednesday 25 September 2024
09:00 - 19:00: Capoliveri, c/o Uappala Hotel - Località Lacona Road Book Distribution and Sports Checks
10:00 — 22:00: Reconnaissance

Thursday 26 September 2024
09:00 - 19:00: Capoliveri, c/o Uappala Hotel - Località Lacona - Road Book Distribution and Sports Checks
10:00 - 22:00: Reconnaissance
2.00pm - 7.00pm: Capoliveri, c/o Uappala Hotel - Technical checks

Friday 27 September 2024
07.30 – 08.30 (on request) Capoliveri, c/o Uappala Hotel-Località Lacona - Road Book distribution and administrative checks
08:00 - 09:00 (on request): Capoliveri, c/o Uappala Hotel Technical checks
10:00: Competitors briefing (only for Rally) c/o Uappala Hotel
10:00: Publication of list of admissions and individual departure times (Sportity app)
11:00: Cars enter the Porto Azzurro departure park, Piazza De Santis
12:00: departure - Porto Azzurro, Banchina IV Novembre
10.45pm: Arrival of the 1st stage - entry into parc fermé – Lacona, Pinone car park

Saturday 28 September 2024
08.40: Departure of the 2nd stage Lacona, Pinone car park
4.00pm: Final arrival and awards ceremony Capoliveri Piazza Garibaldi

The Uappala Hotel Lacona has prepared promotional rates for the crews registered for the event, which can also be consulted on the official website of the XXXVI Rally Elba Storico in the "hospitality" section https://www.rallyelbastorico.net/Alberghi-1.htm

For further information or to book, please contact the Uappala Hotel Lacona via email: ordini@uappala.com (please specify “Elba Rally booking” in the subject of the email) or by telephone on 0586.409875.

#RallyeElbaStorico2024 #TrofeoLocmanItaly #Locman #ElbaGraffiti #AciLivorno #AciLivornoSport #CIRAS #FIAEuropeanHistoricRallyChampionship #FIA #autostoriche #rallystorici #rally #motorsport #elba #isoladelba #italy #mare #sea #elbaisland #toscana #island #sky #travel #tuscany #italia


Aci Livorno Sport ASD
Via Verdi 32 - 57126 Livorno
tel. 0039 (0) 586 898435
fax 0039 (0)586 205937

FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/RallyeElba
INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/rallyeelba
TIK TOK @rallyeelba

MGTCOMUNICAZIONE - studio Alessandro Bugelli

Source: Press Office

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