25 Febbraio 2025

Promo Locman 2013

29-08-2013 10:15 - Archive
Even for the 2013 edition Locman Italy is pleased to offer to the competitors of XXIV Rallye Elba Storico - Trofeo Locman Italy and XXV Elba Graffiti - Trofeo Locman Italy, a watch limited edition designer "Rallye Elba" which will be built in only 200 items at the special price of 160 € (150 € if you book before September 9 next) rather than at the price of 210 € Locman to the public. On request can also be PERSONALIZED WITH YOUR RACE NUMBER, through an incision in the back (extra fee of 15 €).

For info and reservations: acilivornosport@acilivorno.it - Tel +39-338-1523673 Ms. Laura

Source: Organizing Committee

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